EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 08 - 2007 Num. article: 2007/164

An Australian newsletter: ‘Under Control - Pest Plant and Animal Management’

Under Control - Pest Plant and Animal Management News is a tri-annual newsletter produced by the Victorian Departments of Sustainability and Environment and Primary Industries in Australia. It provides accurate, up-to-date information on pest management programs and topical issues in Victoria, with the main emphasis on weeds. This newsletter is freely available on the Internet and in the last three issues the main topics covered were as follows:
Alert list and new infestations: Nassella charruana (Poaceae) alert (no. 35); Invasion process of Nasella neesiana (Poaceae) (n°35); Weed Watch Warning on Gazania spp. (no. 33); Description of Phalaris coerulescens (Poaecae) (no. 34).
Management of invasive alien plants: Herbicide resistance of Nassella trichotoma (Poaceae) (no. 35); Control options for Equisetum spp. (Equisetaceae), (no. 35); Mowing of Pennisetum macrourum (Poaceae) (no. 34); Aerial sprays of Spartina x townsendii and S. anglica (Poaceae) (no. 33).
Management strategy and extension: Tackling weeds on private lands (no. 35); Public Land Pest Management Strategy (no. 34); Agricultural chemical regulation (no. 34); How do selective herbicides work? (no. 33).
Biological control of invasive alien plants: Potential biological control agents of Nassella neesiana and Nassella trichotoma (Poaceaes) (no. 35); The prickly path to control Rubus fruticosus (Rosaceae) by biological control.
Other useful publications: The Chrysanthemoides monilifera spp. monilifera (Asteraceae) management book (no. 35); Top Victoria weeds on CD for the nursery and garden industry (no. 33).


Under Control - Pest Plant and Animal Management News. Victorian Departments of Sustainability and Environment and Primary Industries in Australia. www.dse.vic.gov.au/undercontrol