EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 01 - 2005 Num. article: 2005/011

First report of Tomato chlorosis crinivirus in Israel

In December 2003, symptoms resembling those of Tomato chlorosis crinivirus (ToCV - EPPO A2 list) were observed in glasshouse tomato plants in Bet Dagan, Israel. Bemisia tabaci was also present in these affected crops. Molecular studies revealed the presence of Tomato chlorosis crinivirus in symptomatic tomato plants, as well as in artificially inoculated test plants (Physalis wrightii). This is the first record of ToCV in Israel.
The situation of Tomato chlorosis crinivirus in Israel can be described as follows: Present, first found in 2003 in glasshouse tomatoes in Bet Dagan.


Segev L, Wintermantel WM, Polston JE, Lapidot M (2004) First report of Tomato chlorosis virus in Israel.
Plant Disease, 88(10), p 1160.