EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 03 - 2011 Num. article: 2011/053

Citrus blight disease does not occur in Turkey

As reported in EPPO RS 2009/200, it has been suspected that citrus blight disease (EPPO A1 List) might occur in Turkey. Surveys were carried out during 2006-2008 in the Eastern Mediterranean region and trees showing symptoms resembling those of citrus blight (disease of unknown aetiology) were found (Kayim and Ciftci, 2009). The EPPO Secretariat contacted the NPPO of Turkey which explained that the tests conducted to detect citrus blight in the above study were only preliminary and that further research would have been needed to be able to conclude whether the disease was present. For example: zinc uptake was not studied (only water injection tests were done), and no biological indexing followed by confirmatory serological test was performed. The NPPO of Turkey considers that there is not sufficient evidence from these studies to conclude that Citrus blight disease occurs on its territory.


Kayim M, Ciftci MA (2009) A survey for citrus blight disease in the Eastern Mediterranean region of Turkey. Phytopathology 99(6), S62
NPPO of Turkey (2011-01).