EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 05 - 2004 Num. article: 2004/077

Surveys on quarantine pests done in Bulgaria from 2001 to 2003.

From 2001 to 2003, official surveys were carried out in Bulgaria on the following pests.

    • Bemisia tabaci*1 (Homoptera: Aleurodidae – EPPO A2 list)
From 2001 to 2003, the pest was found in a few glasshouses but in each case all infested plants were destroyed. It was found in 3 glasshouses in 2001 on imported Euphorbia, in 1 glasshouse in 2002, and in 1 glasshouse of Euphorbia in 2003. Present, found in a few glasshouses, under eradication.

    • Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens (EPPO A2 list)
Bean seeds were tested for the presence of the bacterium. 51 and 37 samples of both imported and domestic seeds were tested in 2002 and 2003, respectively. All results were negative. Absent, confirmed by survey.

    • Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae – EPPO A2 list)
In 2002 and 2003, pheromone traps were placed in orchards of apple, fig, peach, pear and quince (70.67 ha in 2002 and 194.55 ha in 2003), near large markets, ports and border inspection points. C. capitata was not caught in pheromone traps. However, in the city of Varna an infestation of larvae was detected in fruits of Ziziphus jujuba in a private garden, in 2002 and again in 2003. The identity of the pest was confirmed, but no adult flies were trapped. Transient, few larvae found in Ziziphus jububa fruit in a private garden, no adults trapped.

    • Forest pests
A specific programme “Monitoring of quarantine pests of the forest species” jointly organized by the Central laboratory of plant quarantine (NPPO) and the Forest protection station of Sofia (National Forestry Direction) was initiated in 2003. The survey includes: Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (EPPO A1 list), Hypoxylon  mammatum (EU Annexes), Melampsora medusae (EPPO A2 list), Xanthomonas populi (formerly on the EPPO lists), Xanthomonas arboricola pv. corylina (EPPO A2 list). In 2003, 33 samples were collected from Populus, 4 from Corylus avellana and 3 from Pinus. None of these pests was detected. Absent, confirmed by survey.

    • Frankliniella occidentalis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae – EPPO A2 list)
From 2001 to 2003, the pest was found in a few glasshouses but in each case chemical treatments were applied to eradicate it. It was found in 5 glasshouses in 2001, in 3 glasshouses in 2002, and in 5 glasshouses in 2003. Present, found in a few glasshouses, under eradication.

    • Liriomyza huidobrensis (Diptera: Agromyzidae – EPPO A2 list)
From 2001 to 2003, the pest was found in a few glasshouses but in each case chemical treatments were applied to eradicate it. It was found in 5 glasshouses in 2001, in 9 glasshouses in 2002, and in 2 glasshouses in 2003. Present, found in a few glasshouses, under eradication.

    • Pantoea stewartii pv. stewartii (EPPO A2 list)
Maize seeds were tested for the presence of the bacterium. 302 and 252 samples of imported seeds were tested in 2002 and 2003, respectively. All results were negative. This bacterium is not known to occur in Bulgaria.

    • Pectinophora gossypiella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)
In 2002 and 2003, cotton fields (108 ha in 2002 and 59.2 in 2003) were surveyed using pheromone traps (18 traps in 2002, 12 in 2003). Traps were also placed near ports and companies importing cotton. The pest was not detected. Absent, confirmed by surveys.

    • Potato pests
Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus* and Ralstonia solanacearum (both EPPO A2 list)
From 2001 to 2003, potato samples were tested by IF for the presence of these two bacteria. Samples were collected as follows:
- 2001: 188 samples from 1395.114 tons of imported seed potatoes; 186 plant and 164 tuber samples from 261.91 ha of seed potato production areas.
- 2002: 248 samples from 2313.93 tons of imported seed potatoes; 403 plant and 169 tuber samples from 151.9 ha of seed potato production areas.
- 2003: 321 samples from 2757.575 tons of imported seed potatoes, 542 plant and 203 tuber samples from 247.25 ha of seed potato production; 11 plant and 98 tuber samples from 571.68 ha of ware potato production areas.
No positive results were obtained. Absent confirmed by survey.

Potato cyst nematodes: Globodera pallida and G. rostochiensis (both EPPO A2 list)
From 2001 to 2003, potato samples were analysed the presence of these two nematodes. Samples were collected as follows:
- 2001: 188 samples from 1395.114 tons of imported seed potatoes; 265 soil and 164 tuber samples from 261.91 ha of seed potato production areas.
- 2002: 250 samples from 2313.93 tons of imported seed potatoes; 351 soil and 146 tuber samples from 151.9 ha of seed potato production areas.
- 2003: 321 samples from 2757.575 tons of imported seed potatoes, 392 soil and 201 tuber samples from 247.25 ha of seed potato production; 340 soil samples from 571.68 ha of ware potato production areas.
G. pallida was never detected during these surveys (there had been some records in the past, see EPPO RS 1998/122). G. rostochiensis was found in several samples corresponding to a total area of 96 ha. On these infested plots, cultivation of seed potatoes and any other propagation material is prohibited.
G. pallida: Absent, found in the past but no longer present, confirmed by survey.
G. rostochiensis: Present, found in a few areas (96 ha in total), under official control.

Other potato nematodes: Ditylenchus destructor (EU Annexes), Meloidogyne chitwoodi*, M. fallax *(both EPPO A2 list)
From 2001 to 2003, potato samples were analysed the presence of these nematodes. Samples were collected as follows:
- 2001: 45 samples from 1395.114 tons of imported seed potatoes; 164 tuber samples from 261.91 ha of seed potato production areas.
- 2002: 250 samples from 2313.93 tons of imported seed potatoes; 146 tuber samples from 151.9 ha of seed potato production areas.
- 2003: 128 samples from 2757.575 tons of imported seed potatoes, 165 tuber samples from 247.25 ha of seed potato production.
D. destructor occurs sporadically in Bulgaria and it was detected in 2002 in one plot of 0.5 ha of ware potatoes. The other nematode species were not detected.
Ditylenchus destructor: Present, found sporadically in small areas (0.5 ha in 2002).
Meloidogyne chitwoodi, M. fallax: Absent, confirmed by survey.

Synchytrium endobioticum *(EPPO A2 list)
From 2001 to 2003, soil samples were analysed for the presence of the fungus (256 soil samples in 2001 corresponding to 261.91 ha of seed potatoes; 351 in 2002 corresponding to 151.9 ha of seed potatoes; 203 soil samples in 2003 from 247.25 ha and 18 tuber samples from 571.68 ha of ware potatoes). S. endobioticum was not detected. Absent, confirmed by survey.

Tomato spotted wilt tospovirus and Stolbur phytoplasma (on potato)
From 2002 to 2003, ELISA were performed on 388 plant samples from 399.15 ha of seed potatoes. Tomato spotted wilt tospovirus was detected in 2 samples in 2003. Stolbur phytoplasma was found in 2 samples in 2002. Infected crops were downgraded as ware potatoes.

    • Tobacco ringspot nepovirus (EPPO A2 list)
In the past, a single record of Tobacco ringspot nepovirus was made in 1983. Since then, no further finding was made in Bulgaria. In 2002, 30 leaf samples of imported grapevine material and 15 samples from grapevine grown in Bulgaria were tested. Tobacco ringspot nepovirus was detected in 4 samples of imported material but not on Bulgarian grapevine. Again in 2003, 92 samples of imported material (grapevine and pelargonium) and 155 samples (grapevine, cherry, peach, apricot) collected from Bulgarian material were tested. All gave negative results. Absent, reported in the past but no longer found, confirmed by survey.

    • Tomato ringspot nepovirus (EPPO A2 list)
A single record of Tomato ringspot nepovirus was made in 1978 on grapevine (but not on any other hosts). However, since this report, no further finds were made in Bulgaria. In 2002, 50 samples of imported grapevine material and 202 leaf samples from material (grapevine, sweet and sour cherries, peach, plum) grown in Bulgaria were tested. Again in 2003, 92 samples of imported material (grapevine, pelargonium and strawberry) and 278 samples (grapevine, cherry, peach, apricot, raspberry, strawberry, plum) collected from Bulgarian material were tested. All gave negative results. Absent, reported in the past but no longer found, confirmed by survey.

*        For pests marked with an asterisk : the EPPO Secretariat had previously no data on their situation (presence or absence) in Bulgaria.


NPPO of Bulgaria, 2004-05.