New finding of Erwinia amylovora in Slovenia
The NPPO of Slovenia has recently informed the EPPO Secretariat of a new finding of Erwinia amylovora (EPPO A2 quarantine pest). In July 2001, a single find had been made on a old pear tree and 2 nearby trees. As all infected trees had been destroyed and no other finds were made, the disease was provisionally considered as eradicated (see EPPO RS 2001/120).
After the first finding of fireblight at one location in July 2001 the disease was found again during a systematic survey carried out in 2002 in private gardens situated in the close vicinity of the infected area in the northern part of Slovenia. On the basis of the official survey programme fireblight symptoms were notified again on 20th May 2003. On the same day official samples were taken and were found positive. The first new focus was found in the town Skofja Loka which is located 13 km to the south of the first finding in Naklo. The focus and 1 km buffer zone are considered as an infected area, where immediate destruction of all host plants showing symptoms is ordered to be executed by burning of such plants at the place of growing or in its nearest vicinity. An intensive survey programme is imposed in a 5 km buffer zone and monitoring of host plants in a 10 km buffer zone.
Notwithstanding the strict measures taken in every focus, 73 new foci were determined in the period 26th May – 18th June 2003. Since the forecasting service recorded 3-4 warnings of fireblight in the beginning of May, it is considered that the outbreak is a result of blossom infection. Stormy weather and the appearance of exudate has enabled further spread. A map of the controlled area can be viewed on Internet ( Surveys of other intensive plantations in Slovenia (in total: 2659 ha of apple and 240 ha of pear) are still in the process.
The situation of E. amylovora in Slovenia can be described as follows: Present, found in the northern part of Slovenia, under official control.
NPPO of SI, 2003-06-18