EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 04 - 2002 Num. article: 2002/052

New data on quarantine pests and pests of the EPPO Alert List

By browsing through the literature, the EPPO Secretariat has extracted the following new data concerning quarantine pests and pests included on the EPPO Alert List.

  • Detailed records
Beet necrotic yellow vein benyvirus (rhizomania – EPPO A2 quarantine pest) was found for the first time in 2000 in the Columbia river basin of Washington and Oregon, USA (Gallian et al., 2002).

In Bulgaria, analysis of soil samples from 256 localities in 10 regions showed that Globodera rostochiensis (EPPO A2 quarantine pest) occurs in 85 localities. Highest population densities were found in 3 regions (Smolyan, Velingrad and Samokov). Nematological Abstracts, p 6 (37).

A survey on Meloidogyne species was carried out in Belgium and a total of 2877 soil and root samples were taken. Meloidogyne species were found in 9.2% of the samples. 10 % of these positive samples contained M. chitwoodi and/or M. fallax (both EPPO A2 quarantine pests). Studies on the genetic variability of nematode populations revealed considerable intraspecific variation supporting the idea that M. chitwoodi and M. fallax have been present in Belgium for a long time. Nematological Abstracts p 49 (347).

Phymatotrichopsis omnivora (EPPO A1 quarantine pest) was identified in 1995/1996 in alfalfa fields in the region of Lagunera (Coahuila and Durango) in Mexico. Review of Plant Pathology, 81(1), p 56 (378).

During a survey carried out in commercial strawberry fields in Maryland (US), among other viruses, Strawberry crinkle cytorhabdovirus, Strawberry mild yellow edge potexvirus (EU Annexes) and Strawberry vein banding caulimovirus (EPPO A2 quarantine pest) were detected. Review of Plant Pathology, 81(1), p 66 (453).

Tomato spotted wilt tospovirus (EPPO A2 quarantine pest) was found on Dendranthema crops in Shizuoka prefecture, Japan. Review of Agricultural Entomology, 90(3), p 198 (1365).

Tomato yellow leaf curl begomovirus (EPPO A2 quarantine pest) was reported for the first time in North Carolina, USA. Tomato crops showing symptoms were observed in 2000 and 2001 (Polston et al., 2002).

During a survey on tospoviruses of grain legumes (Glycine max, Phaseolus aureus, P. mungo, Vigna unguiculata) in Delhi, India, the presence of Watermelon silver mottle tospovirus (EPPO A1 quarantine pest) was detected by ELISA. This confirms earlier reports in India. It can also be noted that, so far, the virus was mainly reported from Cucurbitaceae. Review of Plant Pathology, 81(2), p 200 (1443).


Gallian, J.J.; Wintermantel, W.M.; Hamm, P.B. (2002) First report of rhizomania of sugar beet in the Columbia river basin of Washington and Oregon. Plant Disease, 86(1), p 72.

Polston, J.E.; Rosebrock, T.R.; Sherwood, T.; Creswell, T.; Shoemaker, P.J. (2002) Appearance of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus in North Carolina. Plant Disease, 86(1), p 73.

Nematological Abstracts, January 2002.
Review of Agricultural Entomology, March 2002.
Review of Plant Pathology, January ; Feburary 2002.