EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 07 - 2002 Num. article: 2002/113

Details on the situation of coconut lethal yellowing in Central America

Honduras is currently facing a severe outbreak of coconut lethal yellowing (EPPO A1 quarantine pest). The disease was first found in 1996 on Islas de la Bahía, and then spread to the continental region towards the border with Guatemala. Mexico and Belize are also affected by the disease, whereas El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama and several Caribbean islands are still free from it. The main control measure taken was to replant affected zones with resistant cultivars developed in Jamaica during the 1970s. However, outbreaks of the disease have recently been reported in Jamaica on these cultivars and studies are being done to understand this change. Studies are also carried out in Honduras on possible insect vectors. The presence of Myndus crudus (EU Annexes) was confirmed in Honduras (which is a new record), and it is suspected that another species M. simplicatus is also involved in disease transmission.


Doyle, M.M.; Bustamante, M.; Aguilar, E.; Castillo, M. García, A.; Sabio, C. (2002) La epidemia del amarillamiento letal del cocotero: situación actual y retos futuros para Honduras y otros países en Centro América.
Abstract of a paper presented at the APS Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, USA, 2001-07-27/31.
Phytopathology, 92(6), supplement, S127.