New data on quarantine pests and pests of the EPPO Alert List
By searching through the literature, the EPPO Secretariat has extracted the following new data concerning quarantine pests and pests included on the EPPO Alert List. The situation of the pest concerned is indicated in bold, using the terms of ISPM no. 8.
- New records
Coconut lethal yellowing disease (EPPO A1 List) has been detected in the Inhambane province, in Mozambique. It is noted that the disease has been spreading on coconut in the coastal area to the north and south of Quelimane in Zambezia province (ProMED, 2010). Present, along the coast (Inhambane, Zambezia provinces).
- Detailed records
The presence of Dryocosmus kuriphilus (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae – EPPO A2 List) was identified for the first time in Corse (FR) in June 2010 in the municipality of Borgo. As of October 2010, 195 infested trees have been detected in 38 municipalities in Haute-Corse. It is envisaged to use biological control agents (i.e. release of the parasitoid Torymus sinensis) to control the pest (FREDON-Corse, 2010).
During regular surveys, Erwinia amylovora (EPPO A2 List) has been found in Lombardia and Piemonte regions (IT). In Lombardia, the bacterium was detected in 2 young apple trees (Malus domestica) which had been planted in spring 2010 in 1 orchard located in the municipality of Tresivio (Province of Sondrio). In Piemonte, E. amylovora was detected in 1 pear tree (Pyrus communis) in 1 orchard located in the municipality of Montemarzino (province of Alessandria). In both cases, eradication measures are being implemented (NPPO of Italy, 2010-01 & 2011-01).
The presence of Plum pox virus (Potyvirus, PPV – EPPO A2 List) has been detected in an orchard located in the municipality of San Salvo (Province of Chieti), Abruzzo region, Italy. PPV was detected in a single peach tree (Prunus persica) which was subsequently destroyed. 70 samples were collected from asymptomatic plants but all tested negative. Surveys are continuing in the Abruzzo region to delimit the extent of PPV-infection (NPPO of Italy, 2010-11).
In Italy, a national survey on Potato spindle tuber viroid (Pospiviroid, PSTVd – EPPO A2 List) was conducted in 2010. PSTVd was detected in 4 lots of Solanum jasminoides (corresponding to 3 753 plants) and 4 lots of Cestrum (424 plants) which had been produced in Italy. All infected lots were destroyed. PVSTd was not detected in potato production (NPPO of Italy, 2011-01).
In Lazio region (IT), 1 adult specimen of Rhagoletis completa (Diptera: Tephritidae - EU Annexes) has been trapped in the municipality of Cori (Province of Latina). Surveys will be carried out to delimit the extent of the infestation in Lazio region (NPPO of Italy, 2010-12)
The presence of Scyphophorus acupunctatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae - formerly EPPO Alert List) was detected in Corse (FR) in 2010, in the cities of Ajaccio and Porto-Vecchio (FREDON-Corse, 2010).
The presence of Tomato torrado virus (EPPO Alert List) has been detected in a greenhouse tomato crop located in Eastern Sicilia, Italy. All plants of the greenhouse concerned were destroyed (NPPO of Italy, 2011-02).
In Emilia-Romagna region (IT), Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (Begomovirus, TYLCV – EPPO A2 List) was detected during an inspection. TYLCV was detected in a greenhouse in tomato plants grown for breeding purposes. Molecular studies are underway to determine the sequence of the isolate found and eventually identify the source of the infection. All symptomatic tomato plants have been destroyed (NPPO of Italy, 2010-11).
- Eradication
In 2004, an outbreak of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (EPPO A1 List) was detected around the city of Emerald in Queensland (AU) where an eradication campaign was implemented (EPPO RS 2004/102). In January 2009, the NPPO of Australia officially declared that this outbreak has been successfully eradicated from Queensland and therefore from Australia (NPPO of Australia, 2009).
The pest status of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri in Australia is officially declared as: Absent, pest eradicated.
- Taxonomy
Based on phylogenetic and molecular studies, it is proposed to reclassify Sirococcus clavigignenti-juglandacearum (EPPO A1 List) into the genus Ophiognomonia (Broders and Boland, 2011).
Broders KD, Boland GJ (2011) Reclassification of the butternut canker fungus, Sirococcus clavigignenti-juglandacearum, into the genus Ophiognomonia. Fungal Biology 115(1), 70-79.
NPPO of Italy (2010-11, 2010-12, 2011-01, 2011-02).
NPPO of Australia (2009) Eradication of citrus canker from Australia. Official Pest Report. IPPC website (FAO).
Website of FREDON, Corse (FR). Fédération Régionale de Défense contre les Organismes Nuisibles.
Website of FREDON, Corse (FR). Fédération Régionale de Défense contre les Organismes Nuisibles.
ProMED posting (no. 20101118.4185) of 2010-11-19. Lethal yellowing, coconut palm – Mozambique: spread (Inhambane).