Outbreak of Bactrocera zonata in Israel
The NPPO of Israel recently informed the EPPO Secretariat of an outbreak of Bactrocera zonata (Diptera: Tephritidae – EPPO A1 List) in the metropolitan area of Tel-Aviv. The pest has been caught in traps in private gardens and public areas within this area. The NPPO is taking official measures to prevent any further spread of the pest including the use of methyl-eugenol based lure and kill (male annihilation technique), mass trapping and sprays. Orchards located outside this area are being closely monitored. It can be recalled that an earlier outbreak had been reported in Israel in 2001 but had been successfully eradicated (see EPPO RS 2001/006 and 2002/107).
The situation of Bactrocera zonata in Israel can be described as follows: Present, one outbreak in the metropolitan area of Tel-Aviv, under official control.
NPPO of Israel (2014-04).