EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 10 - 2001 Num. article: 2001/178

Japanese studies on quarantine treatments against forest pests

The effect of methyl isothiocyanate was studied against forest pests in Japan. 10 species were fumigated (at the doses of 10, 20, 40 g/m3) for 24 hours at 15°C. At 10 g/m3, complete mortality was obtained on Monochamus alternatus (pupa – EPPO A1 quarantine pest), Cryphalus fulvus (all stages), Phloesinus perlatus (larva, pupa and adult) and Pissodes nitidus (larva); but larvae of M. alternatus, and pupae and adults of P. nitidus were not completely killed. At 20 g/m3, complete mortality was obtained on Semanotus japonicus (egg), Callidiellum rufipenne (all stages – EPPO Alert List), M. alternatus (egg), Ips cembrae (all stages – EU Annexes) and P. nitidus (egg and pupa). M. alternatus larvae were completely killed at 40 g/m3. However, at this dose, Xyleborus validus, X. pfeili and Xylosandrus germanus were not completely killed (Naito et al., 1999).

Similar studies were done with different mixtures of sulfuryl fluoride (doses of 30 and 50 g/m3) and methyl bromide (doses of 10 and 20 g/m3) for 24 hours at 5°C and 15°C. Complete mortality was obtained on Semanotus japonicus (egg), Callidiellum rufipenne (all stages), Monochamus alternatus (egg, larva, pupa), Cryphalus fulvus (all stages), Phloeosinus perlatus (larva, pupa, adult), Ips cembrae (all stages), Xylosandrus germanus (larva, adult) and Pissodes nitidus (egg, larva, pupa) with the following treatment: sulfuryl fluoride (30 g/m3) and methyl bromide (10 g/m3) for 24 hours at 15°C. With this treatment, larval and pupal stages of Xyleborus pfeili were not completely killed, but this was achieved with sulfuryl fluoride (50 g/m3) and methyl bromide (15 g/m3) for 24 hours at 15°C. A treatment at a lower temperature with higher doses: 24 hours at 5°C with sulfuryl fluoride (50 g/m3) and methyl bromide (20 g/m3) did not succeed to completely kill C. rufipenne (larva, pupa, adult), M. alternatus (larva, pupa), C. fulvus (pupa, adult), X. pfeili (larva, pupa) and X. germanus (adult) (Soma et al, 1999).


Naito, H.; Soma, Y.; Matsuoka, I.; Misumi, T.; Akagawa, T.; Mizobuchi, M.; Kawakami, F. (1999) Effects of methyl isothiocyanate on forest insect pests.
Research Bulletin of the Plant Protection Service Japan, no. 35, 1-4.

Soma, Y.; Naito, H.; Misumi, T.; Kawakami, F. (1999) Effects of gas mixtures of sulfuryl fluoride and methyl bromide on forest insect pests.
Research Bulletin of the Plant Protection Service Japan, no. 35, 15-19.