EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 01 - 1998 Num. article: 1998/11

New tomato geminiviruses from Cuba

1) In Cuba, geminiviruses have become the most important viruses in tomato crops, as they are detected in all tomato-producing areas causing serious losses. Recently, tomato yellow leaf curl geminivirus (EPPO A2 quarantine pest) has been detected in Cuba (see EPPO RS 97/059). In 1995-1996, tomato samples were tested by PCR using degenerated primers. In samples from most areas, only tomato yellow leaf curl geminivirus was detected, but in some samples from the Havana area another DNA fragment was also amplified. Further studies have shown that a new geminivirus was also present in these tomato samples, and it presented 87 % similarity with tomato mottle geminivirus. The name Taino tomato mottle geminivirus has been proposed.

2) In Cuba, a survey on geminiviruses has been carried out in tomato plants since 1994 in the province of La Habana. In some plants the Israeli strain of tomato yellow leaf curl geminivirus was detected, but in some cases a viral DNA which could not be detected with primers specific for the Israeli strains of tomato yellow leaf curl geminivirus, was detected by hybridization. Further analysis showed that a new bipartite geminivirus related to tomato mottle virus (78.1% similarity) is present in these tomato samples. The name Havana tomato geminivirus has been proposed.

Note: the EPPO Secretariat has presented these two papers together, because of their similarity. However, nothing can be said now on whether these two new bipartite geminiviruses of tomato are the same or not.


Ramos; P.L.; Guerra, O.; Peral, R.; Oramas, P.; Guevara, R.G.; Rivera-Bustamante, R. (1997) Taino tomato mottle virus, a new bipartite geminivirus from Cuba.
Plant Disease, 81(9), p 1095.

Martinez, Y.; de Blas, C.; Zabalgogeazcoa, I.; Quiñones, M.; Castellanos, E.L.; Peralta, E.L.; Romero; J. (1997) A bipartite geminivirus infecting tomatoes in Cuba.
Plant Disease, 81(10), p1215.