Gonipterus scutellatus and G. gibberus are two separate species
Gonipterus scutellatus and G. gibberus were treated as synonymous in the latest version of the EPPO data sheets. However, G. scutellatus and G. gibberus have recently been redescribed in Brazil and are now considered as two separate species (Rosado-Neto ; Marques, 1996). Adults of G. scutellatus and G. gibberus are difficult to distinguish, but immature stages present distinct morphological characteristics which allow species identification. An identification key for these two species is given by Rosado-Neto ; Marques (1996). Information on synonyms is also given. Dacnirotatus platensis, Gonipterus platensis and Goniopterus marellii are synonyms of G. scutellatus. Dacnirotatus bruchi is a synonym of G. gibberus.
G. scutellatus and G. gibberus are Eucalyptus pests and originate from Australia. Rosado-Neto (1993) explains that G. scutellatus and G. gibberus were introduced into South America, firstly in Argentina (in 1926), and then spread towards the north to other countries. They were successively found in Uruguay (1943), Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul in 1955, Santa Catarina in 1982, Paraná in 1982, and in 1993 G. scutellatus was reported in São Paulo). It can also be noted that G. scutellatus has been introduced into new countries in other regions of the world (in France and Italy and most recently into Spain, Portugal, USA (California) – see EPPO RS 1996/213, RS 1997/011, RS 1997/154). The following draft distribution lists can now be proposed.
Gonipterus gibberus
EPPO region: presumed absent.
South America: Argentina, Brazil (Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina), Uruguay.
Oceania: Australia (Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria).
Gonipterus scutellatus
EPPO region: present locally in France and Italy. It was introduced into the Liguria region of Italy in 1975 and then into the adjoining Alpes Maritimes département of France in 1977. Recently introduced into Spain (observed for the first time in 1991 near Pontevedra in Galicia, it then spread to Asturias) and later into the nearby region in Portugal.
Africa: Kenya, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, St Helena, South Africa, Swaziland, Uganda, Zimbabwe (unconfirmed).
North America: USA (California).
South America: Argentina, Brazil (Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, São Paulo), Uruguay.
Oceania: Australia (Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria), New Zealand.
Rosado-Neto, G.H.; Marques, M.I. (1996) [Characteristics of adults, genitalia and immature forms of Gonipterus gibberus Boisduval and G. scutellatus Gyllenhal (Coleoptera, Curculionidae)].
Revista Brasileira de Zoologia, 13(1), 77-90.
Rosado-Neto, G.H. (1993) [Gonipterinae of eucalyptus: first record of Gonipterus scutellatus in the State of São Paulo, Brazil and some notes on G. gibberus (Coleoptera, Curculionidae).]
Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, 37(3), 465-467.
Rosado-Neto, G.H.; de Feitas, S. (1982) Description of immature forms of the eucalyptus weevil Gonipterus gibberus Boisduval, 1835 (Coleoptera, Curculionidae).
Revista Brasileira de Biologia, 42(3), 467-471.