EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 11 - 1998 Num. article: 1998/210

Tomato chlorosis virus: a new whitefly-transmitted closterovirus

Tomato plants showing symptoms similar to those of the previously described tomato infectious chlorosis closterovirus (EPPO RS 97/35, 98/086) were observed in glasshouse tomatoes in Florida (US) since 1989. The disease was called 'yellow leaf disorder' and was characterized by irregular chlorotic mottling which starts on lower leaves and advances then towards the growing point, interveinal yellow areas on leaves which develop red or brown necrotic flecks. Studies have revealed the presence of a new phloem-limited, bipartite closterovirus called tomato chlorosis (see also EPPO RS 98/085). Although tomato infectious chlorosis closterovirus (TICV) and tomato chlorosis closterovirus (ToCV) cause similar symptoms on tomato, they have been shown to be distinct viruses (different symptoms on indicator plants, different serological and molecular characteristics). In addition differences occur in vector transmission and geographical distribution. ToCV is transmitted by Bemisia tabaci (biotypes A and B - EPPO A2 quarantine pest), Trialeurodes vaporariorum and T. abutilonea, whereas TICV is only transmitted by T. vaporariorum. ToCV has been found in greenhouse tomatoes (and is reported to occur on ornamentals but no details are given) in Colorado, Florida (Baker, Columbia, Marion and Suwanee counties) and Louisiana. TICV occurs on greenhouse and field tomatoes (and many vegetable and ornamental crops, weeds) in California, North Carolina and Italy.


Wisler, G.C.; Li, R.H.; Liu, H.Y.; Lowry, D.S.; Duffus, J.E. (1998) Tomato chlorosis virus: a new whitefly-transmitted, phloem-limited, bipartite closterovirus of tomato.
Phytopathology, 88(5), 402-409.