EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 08 - 1997 Num. article: 1997/145

First report of Erwinia amylovora in Australia

The possible presence of fireblight (Erwinia amylovora – EPPO A2 quarantine pest) in Australia was first raised in early May 1997, by a scientist from New Zealand visiting the Royal Botanical gardens in Melbourne. Suspect ornamental plants were also observed in Adelaide Botanical Garden. After several tests, it was confirmed that E. amylovora was present in a limited number of ornamental host plants (Cotoneaster spp.) in Melbourne and Adelaide Botanical Gardens. Surveys carried out throughout Australia have failed to detect fireblight in commercial orchards, nurseries and urban areas. Quarantine measures have immediately been applied and a national survey programme for spring 1997 is planned.


Media Releases of 1997-05-14, 1997-05-19, 1997-06-19. John Anderson. Minister for Primary Industries and Energy.
Web site of the Department of Primary Industries and Energy on INTERNET

ProMED-mail of 1997-07-24 on fireblight in Australia