EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 08 - 1996 Num. article: 1996/146

EPPO Distribution List of Erwinia amylovora

Due to the recent findings of Erwinia amylovora (EPPO A2 quarantine organism), in Albania (EPPO RS 96/074), Bulgaria (EPPO RS 95/199), Croatia (RS 96/004), Hungary (RS 96/106), Spain (RS 96/107), Iran (RS 96/043), and new foci in Switzerland (EPPO RS 96/144) it was felt necessary to revise the EPPO Distribution list for fireblight. The distribution list for fireblight is, at current knowledge of the EPPO secretariat as follows:

EPPO Distribution List: Erwinia amylovora

EPPO region: Albania, Austria (few reports under eradication, RS 94/172), Bosnia ; Herzegovina (potential EPPO country), Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus (RS 457), Czech Republic (RS 94/046), Denmark, Egypt (potential EPPO country - new outbreaks from 1983, following a much earlier outbreak in 1964 - RS 467), France (except south-east), Germany, Greece (including Crete), Ireland (RS 472), Israel (RS 459), Italy (Emilia-Romagna (RS 95/114), Puglia, Sicilia - RS 511), Lebanon (potential EPPO country - RS 498), Luxembourg, Macedonia (potential EPPO country), Netherlands, Norway (RS 471), Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain (one focus, under eradication), Sweden (RS 477), Switzerland (few reports, under eradication), Turkey, UK (RS 484; England), Yugoslavia (Serbia - potential EPPO country). The disease has been officially declared as eradicated in Northern Ireland (UK). In the EPPO RS 95/055, Ukraine states that E. amylovora is not present, and denies previous unconfirmed reports.

Africa: Egypt

Asia: Armenia (RS 506/08), China (unconfirmed), Cyprus, India (on rose and therefore dubious), Iran, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Korea Republic (unconfirmed), Saudi Arabia (unconfirmed), Turkey, Vietnam (unconfirmed). The situation in Japan needs clarification, but there is some indication that the disease may be present (RS 96/108).

North America: Bermuda, Canada, Mexico, USA.

Central America and Caribbean: Guatemala (unconfirmed).

South America: Colombia (unconfirmed). The record in Chile cited in the first edition of the EPPO data sheet (OEPP/EPPO, 1983) is an error.

Oceania: New Zealand.

This distribution list replaces all previously published EPPO distribution lists for E. amylovora.


EPPO Secretariat, Paris ;(1996-07)