Phytophthora cinnamomi associated with oak decline on the Iberian peninsula
A survey was carried out in Spain and Portugal to determine the causal agent of oak decline on the Iberian peninsula. Thirteen oak decline foci were analysed. From eleven of these, the root pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi (EC Directive pest) was isolated. The authors assumed that the introduction and spread of P. cinnamomi may be a major factor in Iberian oak decline, interacting with drought and other site factors and leading to stress-related attacks by insects and other fungi. The authors further assumed that the root pathogen might be involved in similar oak declines occurring elsewhere in the Mediterranean.
This item has been available in INFOEPPO since 1993-05-21!
Brasier, C.M.; Robredo, F.; Ferraz, J.F.P. (1993) Evidence for Phytophthora cinnamomi involvement in Iberian oak decline.
Plant Pathology 42, 140-145.