New fireblight regulations in France
1. The order of 25 Nov 1982 (J.O. 16/1/83, pp. 547-548) fixes new internal regulations, summarized as follows:
A) “protection zones” extend to the commune limits just over 45 km from “infested zones”, which extend to the commune limits just over 5 km from an infested plot;
B) multiplication, sale and planting of plants highly susceptible to fireblight 1) is prohibited in these zones;
C) certain plants susceptible to fireblight 2) may be multiplied or planted in these zones only with the authorization of the Plant Protection Service;
D) provision for compulsory treatment by owners within these zones;
E) fireblight notifiable in the whole of France;
F) consultative committee, with representation from the nursery trade, research services and Plant Protection Services, to discuss control measures and implementation of the order.
2. The order of 16 Dec 1982 (J.O. 16/1/83, pp. 548-549) fixes new import regulations:
A) import prohibited of all plants (except fruits and seeds) highly susceptible to fireblight 1) at all times and from all sources;
B) import prohibited of all host plants (except fruits and seeds)3) between 16 April and 30 September from countries where the disease is known to occur 4);
C) from 1 October to 15 April, from EC countries where the disease is known to occur, existing requirements5);
D) from 1 October to 15 April, from non-EC countries where the disease is known to occur, import license required and phytosanitary certificate to carry AD that a more precise requirement than at
present6) is satisfied;
E) from other countries (i.e. where fireblight does not occur), normal PC requirement, and host plants not to be mixed with plants of other genera.
A modified version of the EPPO Summary for France will be distributed shortly.
l) All Crataegus spp., all Cydonia spp. (but rootstocks excluded for the internal regulations); Cotoneaster bullatus, C. lacteus, C. lucidus, C. microphyllus, C. moupinensis, C. salicifolius, C. watereri, C. dammeri (except cv. Eichholz n°1); Pyrus cvs. Alexandrine Douillard, Durondeau, Passe-Crassane; Malus cvs. Idared, Red Jade, Van Eseltine; Pyracantha crenatoserrata cv. Orange Glow; all Sorbus spp.; Stranvaesia davidiana.
2) Chaenomeles spp., Mespilus germanica, Malus cvs. Jonathan and its mutants (especially Jonnee & New Red Jonathan), Tydeman's Early Worcester, Ingrid Marie, James Grieve and its mutants, Rome Beauty; Cox's Orange Pippin and its mutants; Pyrus all spp. and cvs. not covered by 1) - but not P. calleryana; Pyracantha spp. and cvs. not covered by 1); Cotoneaster spp. and cvs. not covered by l).
3) Cotoneaster, Malus, Pyracantha, Pyrus, Stranvaesia not covered by 1).
4) BE, .DE, DK, GB, LU, NL + CA, CL, DD, EG, GT, MX, NZ, PL, TR, US.
5) No symptoms of infection by E. amylovora observed at place of production or in its immediate vicinity, and no outbreak within 5 km, since the beginning of the last 2 complete cycles of vegetation; host plants to be packed separately from those of other genera.
6) "Végétaux cultivés dans une zone située à au moins 5 km de tout foyer de contamination et reconnue indemne de feu bactérien des rosacées depuis le début des deux dernières périodes complètes de végétation", i.e. equivalent to 5).
Plant Protection Service, Paris