EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 07 - 2016 Num. article: 2016/133

First report of Xylella fastidiosa subsp. fastidiosa on Nerium oleander in Germany

The NPPO of Germany recently informed the EPPO Secretariat of the first finding of Xylella fastidiosa (EPPO A1 List) on its territory. The bacterium was detected on a single potted plant of Nerium oleander in a small nursery producing young vegetable and ornamental plants in Saxony. In one small greenhouse, potted plants belonging to private owners had been stored to overwinter. During an official phytosanitary inspection, 1 potted plant of N. oleander showing unusual symptoms was observed. This plant had been brought to the greenhouse for the first time to overwinter, and had been produced by cutting from another plant belonging to a private person at least 4 years before. Samples were collected and tested, initially by the official laboratory of Saxony and then by the JKI laboratory. In July 2016, results confirmed the presence of Xylella fastidiosa subsp. fastidiosa in the symptomatic plant. Other potential host plants of the greenhouse (including a symptomatic potted olive tree) and plants located within a radius of 100 m around the infected N. oleander were tested (87 samples) but all results were negative. The presence of potential insect vectors of X. fastidiosa was investigated using with sweep nets within a radius of 100 m around the infested plant. One adult of Philaenus spumarius and 1 adult of Cercopis vulnerata were caught. Sampling and investigations are continuing. In accordance with EU Decision 2015/789, eradication measures were immediately taken, including the destruction of 14 potted plants (oleander and olive) from the greenhouse. Demarcated areas are being delimited around the infected site, and it is noted that the buffer zone also includes part of Thuringia.
The pest status of Xylella fastidiosa in Germany is officially declared as: Transient, at one location on a single isolated potted plant, actionable, under eradication.


NPPO of Germany (2016-07).