EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 11 - 2016 Num. article: 2016/213

First report of Xylella fastidiosa in Spain

In November 2016, the presence of Xylella fastidiosa (EPPO A1 List) was confirmed in Islas Baleares (ES). This is the first report of the bacterium in Spain. During official inspections, the bacterium was detected in 3 samples collected from sweet cherry (Prunus avium) in a garden centre in Porto Cristo (municipality of Manacor) on the island of Mallorca. Laboratory studies revealed the occurrence of X. fastidiosa subsp. fastidiosa in these 3 positive samples. In accordance with the EU Implementing Decisions 2015/789 and 2016/764, phytosanitary measures have been taken to eradicate the disease. A focus zone of 100 m radius and a buffer zone of 10 km have been delimited, and phytosanitary measures will be applied to avoid any further spread. In the garden centre, all infected plants and other potential host plants (in total 97 plants belonging to 7 different species) have been burned. It is noted that the delimited zones mainly cover touristic areas and private gardens where the following potential hosts could be found: Olea europaea, Nerium oleander, Polygala myrtifolia, Rosmarinus officinalis and Westringia fruticosa. In the agricultural part of the delimited zones, the following potential host plants could be found: almond (Prunus dulcis), a few vineyards (Vitis vinifera), carob (Ceratonia siliqua) and olive (Olea europaea). Tracing-back studies have showed that the infected cherry plants came from a nursery in Tarragona (Cataluña), but surveys conducted in this nursery did not detect the bacterium.
The pest status of Xylella fastidiosa in Spain is officially declared as follows: Transient, actionable, under eradication.


NPPO of Spain (2016-11).
Govern Illes Balears (2016-11-10) Localizados tres cerezos afectados por Xylella fastidiosa a un centro de jardinería de Mallorca. http://www.caib.es/govern/pidip/dadesComunicat.do?lang=es&codi=8932920
Primera detecció de Xylella fastidiosa a les Illes Balears. http://www.caib.es/sites/M94/f/217798