EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 08 - 2019 Num. article: 2019/169

Update of the situation of Fusarium circinatum in Spain

In Spain, Fusarium circinatum (EPPO A2 List) was first officially confirmed in 2004 (RS 2005/097) and later found in Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla y León, and Galicia (RS 2006/050), and País Vasco (RS 2007/137 and 2016/162). 

As a result of official surveys carried out in 2017-2018, the fungus was found in several locations:

  • in October 2017, seedlings of Pinus radiata were found to be infected in a nursery located in the municipality of Vilaboa (Galicia). Plants were asymptomatic. The 25 758 plants of the infected lots were destroyed.
  • between August and November 2017, 9 new outbreaks were detected in forests on Pinus radiata in Asturias. Trees showed symptoms (dried tips and resinous cankers in trunks and branches).
  • in January 2018, seedlings of Pinus pinaster were found to be infected in a greenhouse nursery located in the municipality of Silleda (Galicia). Plants were asymptomatic. The 3600 plants of the infected lots were destroyed.
  • in June 2018, seedlings of Pinus radiata were found to be infected in the municipalities of Pontevedra and Vilaboa (Galicia) in a nursery and a trial plot both under protected conditions. The 500 infected plants were destroyed, and demarcated areas were established.
  • in November 2018, 9 new outbreaks were detected in Asturias, 8 in forests of Pinus radiata and 1 in a forest of Pinus pinaster. They were located in the following municipalities: Cangas de Onís, Ibias, Llanes, Pravia, Tineo and Vegadeo.

In all cases, official phytosanitary measures according to Decision 2007/433/EC were applied, and further surveys carried out. 

The pest status of Fusarium circinatum in Spain is officially declared as: Present, under eradication, only in some parts of the Member State concerned.


NPPO of Spain (2017-12, 2018-01, 2018-04, 2018-06, 2019-01)