EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 02 - 2023 Num. article: 2023/045

New species and new records of exotic Scolytinae (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) in Europe

In the EU, non-European Scolytinae spp. are A1 quarantine pests. During field investigations conducted by Marchioro et al. (2022) between 2019 and 2021, the following exotic Scolytinae species were recorded for the first time in Europe or found in new European countries:


Record in Europe

Area of origin


Amasa sp. near A. truncata

Undescribed species trapped in France (Alpes maritimes, Bouches-du-Rhône, Var départements, all in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region), Portugal (Lisbon area).


In Portugal, traps were located on Eucalyptus trees or in their vicinity.

Cnestus mutilatus

Considered established in Italy.

Oriental and Eastern Palearctic Regions

See EPPO RS 2022/147.

Dryoxylon onoharaense

First record in Europe. Trapped in the provinces of Padova and Belluno (Veneto region, Italy). Considered established.

China, Japan and South Korea

Recently introduced in North America (now present in 14 states).

Breeding host plants in Europe are unknown. Recorded in Italy from Acer saccharum, Liriodendron tulipifera, Populus deltoides.

Hypothenemus eruditus

First record in Portugal (Lisbon area). Introduced and established in Croatia, France, Italy, Malta, Portugal (Azores), Spain (inc. Canarias), Russia and Ukraine.

Tropical and subtropical origin

Also recently found in Switzerland (see below).

Xyleborinus attenuatus

First record in Italy. Introduced and established in most of Europe and North America.

China, Japan, Korea, Russia (Far East), Taiwan

Xylosandrus germanus

First record Portugal. Widely established in Europe and North America.

Oriental and Eastern Palearctic Regions

In Switzerland, during a bark beetle monitoring survey in forests, the following species were detected in traps:


Record in Europe

Area of origin


Cyclorhipidion pelliculosum

Recorded in Germany in 2014.

First record in Switzerland: caught in eight municipalities of the canton of Ticino.


Established in North America.

Cyclorhipidion distinguendum

Recorded in France in 2018.

First record in Switzerland: caught in 9 municipalities of the canton of Ticino.


See EPPO RS 2021/156.

Established in North America.

Hypothenemus eruditus

First record in Switzerland: caught in 3 municipalities of the canton of Ticino

Tropical and subtropical origin

See table above. 


Marchioro M, Faccoli M, Dal Cortivo M, Branco M, Roques A, Garcia A, Ruzzier E (2022) New species and new records of exotic Scolytinae (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) in Europe. Biodiversity Data Journal 10, e93995. https://doi.org/10.3897/BDJ.10.e93995

NPPO of Switzerland (2022-10, 2023-02).