EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 05 - 2024 Num. article: 2024/100

New host plants of Scirtothrips aurantii in Portugal

During surveys conducted in Algarve to delimit the presence of Scirtothrips aurantii (Thysanoptera: Thripidae – EPPO A1 List), the NPPO of Portugal found the thrips infesting the following plant species in the demarcated areas: Citrus x limon, Citrus reticulata, Citrus x aurantium var. sinensis, Citrus sp., Citrus x aurantiifolia*, Citrus x nobilis*, Ficus carica*, Malus domestica*, Myoporum sp.*, Myrtus communis*, Persea americana, Prunus persica* Rosa sp.*, Rubus sp.

S. aurantii is a very polyphagous species in its current area of distribution, and may further extend its host range while establishing in the EPPO region. The EPPO Secretariat had no previous record of the plant species marked with a *. This information may be useful for further surveys in EPPO countries. 


NPPO of Portugal (2024-03). https://www.dgav.pt/plantas/conteudo/sanidade-vegetal/inspecao-fitossanitaria/informacao-fitossanitaria/scirtothrips-aurantii/