EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 05 - 2024 Num. article: 2024/109

Meloidogyne limonae n. sp.: a new root-knot nematode of lemon tree described in Hainan province, China

In China, a new root-knot nematode species infesting Citrus x limon (lemon) trees in Hainan province has been described and called Meloidogyne limonae n. sp. This new nematode species was found during a survey conducted in 2019 and 2022, as several lemon trees showing stunting and leaf chlorosis were observed in a lemon orchard located in Chengmai. Affected lemon trees showed poor-quality lemon fruit, leaf chlorosis, weak growth, and numerous root galls with protruding white females and egg masses. The pathogenicity of this new nematode species has been verified by artificial inoculation experiments onto a commercial lemon cultivar (C. x limon cv. Rosso). It is noted that M. limonae has been isolated from many lemon tree root samples collected in the affected orchard, causing numerous cellular changes in the root tissues. Considering the potential damage that this nematode could cause to lemon fruit production, research studies are being carried out on its biology, host range and distribution.


Sun Y, Jiang R, Peng D, Zhang Y, Peng H, Long H (2024) Morphological and molecular characterization of a new root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne limonae n. sp. (Nematoda: Meloidogynidae), parasitizing lemon in China. Plant Disease (early view). https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-05-23-0919-SR