EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 01 - 2025 Num. article: 2025/012

Mesoptyelus impictifrons, new vector of Xylella fastidiosa in the EPPO region

In Israel Xylella fastidiosa (EPPO A2 List) subsp. fastidiosa was first found in 2017 on almond (Prunus dulcis) trees in the Hula Valley (North-Eastern Israel), and in 2021 in five commercial vineyards (Vitis vinifera) in the Eastern Upper Galilee, adjacent to the Hula Valley. The pest is under official control (EPPO RS 2019/121, RS 2022/013). 

A study was conducted to identify potential vectors of X. fastidiosa in Israel and to determine their ability to transmit, and rate of transmission, to almond and grapevine. During a survey conducted from February 2021 to July 2023 at 13 sites in Northern Israel, 1936 specimens were collected in total, belonging to four species: the Cercopidae Mesoptyelus impictifrons (73% of specimens) and Cercopis intermedia (21%), and the Aphrophoridae Neophilaenus campestris (4%) and Philaenus arslani (2.6 %). M. impictifrons was the only species for which X. fastidiosa-infected specimens were found (although X. fastidiosa-infected specimens were found in low numbers). It is noted that Philaenus spumarius (Aphrophoridae), one of the main vectors of X. fastidiosa, was not found in this survey nor in past surveys in Israel.

Acquisition and transmission of X. fastidiosa by C. intermedia and M. impictifrons were studied in experiments with a 4-day acquisition access period and 4-day inoculation access period. For C. intermedia, no acquisition or transmission occurred. For M. impictifrons, acquisition rates from grapevine and almond were similar, respectively 35% and 39%. Transmission rates ranged from 55 to 100% infected plants.

The authors conclude there is substantial evidence that M. impictifrons is an important vector of X. fastidiosa in Israel. This is also the first record of M. impictifrons as a vector of X. fastidiosa. Limited information is available on M. impictifrons in the literature. Further studies are needed on the biology, ecology and role of M. impictifrons as a vector of X. fastidiosa

M. impictifrons is recorded only in the Eastern Mediterranean/Middle East. A distribution map was added in EPPO Global Database: https://gd.eppo.int/taxon/MESTIM/distribution. 


Tomer M, Gidron-Heinemann L, Chiel E, Sharon R (2024) A new vector of Xylella fastidiosa: the role of Mesoptyelus impictifrons as a vector in Israel. Phytopathology 114(12), 2546-2550.