Update on the situation of tomato brown rugose fruit virus in the Netherlands
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (Tobamovirus fructirugosum, ToBRFV – EPPO A2 List) was first detected in the Netherlands in October 2019 (EPPO RS 2019/209) in a greenhouse producing tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) fruit and later other sites in different municipalities (RS 2020/038, RS 2020/225, RS 2021/086). The NPPO of the Netherlands reported that since 2019 ToBRFV had been found in 82 fruit production sites. Eradication has been fully successful at 39 locations. At 4 locations ToBRFV has been eradicated but was again detected. As ToBRFV will be regulated as a Regulated Non-Quarantine Pest within the European Union from January 2025 (RS 2025/015), the NPPO of the Netherlands will no longer aim to eradicate ToBRFV in sites of production of host fruits.
The pest status of tomato brown rugose fruit virus in the Netherlands is officially declared as: Present.
NPPO of the Netherlands (2024-12). https://english.nvwa.nl/topics/pest-reporting/documents/plant/plant-health/pest-reporting/documents/close-out-report-tomato-brown-rugose-fruit-virus-tobrfv-present-in-the-netherlands-december-2024