Ips hauseri does not occur in Russia
Ips hauseri (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae, EPPO A2 List) had been listed as being present in a restricted area of Russia (Southern Altai territory, which is part of Western Siberia) in the EPPO Datasheet published in 2005, based on a monograph on bark beetles by VN Stark (1952). It has also been recorded as present in Eastern Siberia and the Russian Far East by some authors. A recent article by Petrov and Kulinich reviewed the data supporting the presence of this species in Russia.
The authors note that the Natural History Museum in Budapest (Hungary) houses a specimen collected in Usinsk in the Western Sayan Mountains in southern Siberia but there is no other information on finding this species in Russia. They consider that the records of presence in Russia may be linked to the monograph on bark beetles of the USSR by Stark (1952), where the information about the presence of I. hauseri in the southern Altai refers only to the part that now belongs to the territory of Kazakhstan.
Similarly, there is no specimen supporting the presence of the pest in eastern Siberia and the Russian Far East.
Petrov АВ, Kulinich ОА (2024) Trophic specialization features of bark beetle Ips hauseri Reitter, 1895 (Coleoptera, Curculionidae: Scolytinae) in coniferous forests of Kazakhstan [Особенности пищевой специализации короеда Ips hauseri Reitter, 1895 (Coleoptera, Curculionidae: Scolytinae) в хвойных лесах Казахстана]. Euroasian entomological journal 23(5), 283-286.
Stark VN (1952) Koroedy. Zhestkokrylye // Fauna SSSR. Vol.31. Moscow–Leningrad: Izdatel´stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR. 462 p. [In Russian].
Personal communication with Dr Kulinich (2025-01).