EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 02 - 2025 Num. article: 2025/040

First report of Cryphonectria carpinicola in the United Kingdom

The NPPO of the United Kingdom recently informed the EPPO Secretariat of the first finding of Cryphonectria carpinicola (EPPO Alert List) on its territory. It was detected on hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) at five distinct sites in the wider environment in south-east England. It has been associated with dieback of mature hornbeam specimens.

No statutory action is currently being taken at these locations, but pruning of hornbeam has been ceased to mitigate against further spread whilst investigations into the species and surveys are ongoing to determine the extent of the distribution.

Photos were kindly provided for the EPPO Global Database. 

The pest status of Cryphonectria carpinicola in the United Kingdom is officially declared as: Present: not widely distributed and not under official control.


NPPO of the United Kingdom (2025-01)