Ralstonia solanacearum detected in surface water in France
In France, Ralstonia solanacearum (EPPO A2 List) causing brown rot of potato (Solanum tuberosum) is under official control and annual surveys are conducted. In July 2024, R. solanacearum was detected by the Regional Directorate of Food, Agriculture and Forestry of Centre-Val De Loire in a sample of water collected from the Loir river in the municipality of Cloyes-les-Trois-Rivières (department of Eure-et-Loir, Centre-Val de Loire region). Phytosanitary measures have been applied within the municipality, including a prohibition on using water from the Loir for irrigation of Solanaceae plants. In addition, all farmers in the Eure-et-Loir department are required to declare water use from the Loir to the authorities.
The situation of R. solanacearum in France can be described as: Present, under eradication.
Anonymous (2024) Présence de la bactérie Ralstonia dans une partie du Loir. Direction régionale de l’alimentation de l’agriculture et de la forêt du Centre-Val de Loire. https://draaf.centre-val-de-loire.agriculture.gouv.fr/detection-de-la-bacterie-ralstonia-en-eure-et-loire-communique-a1817.html?mtm_campaign=rss-actus