Aleurocanthus woglumi(ALECWO)
Distribution details in Bahamas
From CABI Pest map 091 (1995): Present, no details
* CIE A9837 (1977); CIE A8618 (1975); NHM (1948) Nassau.
* Dietz HF, Zetek J (1920) The blackfly of citrus and other subtropical plants. USDA Bulletin 885, 1–55.
* USDA (1982) Pests not known to occur in the United States or of limited distribution. No. 15. Citrus blackfly, Aleurocanthus woglumi. USDA APHIS-PPQ, Beltsville, USA.
* Vasquez LL (2004) Lista de moscas blancas (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Aleyrodidae) y sus plantas hospedantes en al Caribe. Fitosanidad 8(4), 7-18.
* Dietz HF, Zetek J (1920) The blackfly of citrus and other subtropical plants. USDA Bulletin 885, 1–55.
* USDA (1982) Pests not known to occur in the United States or of limited distribution. No. 15. Citrus blackfly, Aleurocanthus woglumi. USDA APHIS-PPQ, Beltsville, USA.
* Vasquez LL (2004) Lista de moscas blancas (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Aleyrodidae) y sus plantas hospedantes en al Caribe. Fitosanidad 8(4), 7-18.