EPPO Global Database

Arctotheca calendula(AROCA)

Distribution details in Tunisia

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2025: Present, no details
The species was accidentaly introduced in the 1970s in the Sejenane region with contaminated trifolium seeds from Australia. The species naturalized in Tunisia and is present since 1977 in the clearings and prairies of the Sejenane region.

EPPO Reporting Service (2025/054) : spread north, east and west. Found in 8 localities.
* Le Floc’h E, Boulos F & Vela E (2010) Catalogue synonymique commenté de la flore de Tunisie. République Tunisienne. Ministère de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable. Banque nationale de Gènes. 504 p.

* Sakhraoui N, El Mokni R, Hadef A, Rais H, Verloove F, Essl F (2024) Current distribution and status of Arctotheca calendula (L.) Levyns (Asteraceae) in Algeria and Tunisia (North Africa). BioInvasions Record 13(2), 319-333. https://doi.org/10.3391/bir.2024.13.2.03
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Algeria Present, restricted distribution view...