Balansia oryzae(BALAOS)
Distribution details in Indonesia
From CABI Disease map 797 (2000): Absent, unreliable record
* Amir M (1986) Udbatta disease in Indonesia. Buletin Penelitian Balai Penelitian Tanaman Pangan Bogor 4, 23-34 (abst.)
* APPPC (1991) Appendixes A (covering revised List A1 and A2) and B of the Plant Protection Agreement for the Asia and Pacific region. Technical Document no. 139/1991, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok (TH), 19 pp.
------- Present, no details.
* APPPC (1991) Appendixes A (covering revised List A1 and A2) and B of the Plant Protection Agreement for the Asia and Pacific region. Technical Document no. 139/1991, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok (TH), 19 pp.
------- Present, no details.