EPPO Global Database

Brevipalpus phoenicis sensu lato(BRVPPH)

Distribution details in Dominican Republic

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2012: Present, no details
From CABI Pest map 106 (2013): Present, no details
* Beard, J. J.; Ochoa, R.; Bauchan, G. R.; Trice, M. D.; Redford, A. J.; Walters, T. W.; Mitter, C. (2012) Flat Mites of the World. Part I Raoiella and Brevipalpus. Identification Technology Program, CPHST, PPQ, APHIS, USDA; Fort Collins, Colorado.
------- Accessed 11 February 2013 at http://idtools.org/id/mites/flatmites/

* Gonzalez, R. H. (1975) Acarologia 27 (1), 81-91.