EPPO Global Database

Brevipalpus phoenicis sensu lato(BRVPPH)

Distribution details in Mauritius

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 1979: Present, no details
From CABI Pest map 106 (2013): Present, no details
* Moutia LA ( 1958) Contribution to the study of some phytophagous Acarina, their predators in Mauritius. Bulletin of Entomological Research 49(1), 59-75.

* Ramlogun, H. G. S. (1971) Revue Agricole et Sucrière de l'Ile Maurice 50 (1), 48-67.

* Smith Meyer, M. K. P. (1979) Entomology Memoir. Department of Agricultural Technical Services, Republic of South Africa 50, 1-135.