EPPO Global Database

Ceratitis quinaria(CERTQU)

Distribution details in Mali

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2007: Present, restricted distribution
First recorded in: 2000s
From CABI Pest map 161 (2005): Present, restricted distribution
* De Meyer, M.; Copeland, R. S.; Lux, S. A.; Mansell, M; Quilici, S.; Wharton, R.; White, I. M.; Zenz, N. J. (2002) Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika, Tervuren, Belgium. Zoologische Documentatie 27, 1-91.

* CIRAD-FHLOR, Montpellier, France (2000).
------- Konyini, Madina, Sibirasso, Waibera.

* Vayssières JF, Sanogo F, Noussourou M (2004) Inventaire des espèces de mouches de fruits (Diptera: Tephritidae) inféodées au manguier au Mali et essais de lutte raisonnée. Fruits, 59(1), 3-16. In: Review of Agricultural Entomology 93(2), February 2005, abst. 1227, p 199.

* Vayssières JF, Sanogo F, Noussourou M (2007) Inventory of the fruit fly species (Diptera: Tephritidae) linked to the mango tree in Mali and tests of integrated control. Fruits. 62(5), 329-341.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Burkina Faso Present, no details view...
Cote d'Ivoire Present, no details view...
Senegal Present, no details view...