EPPO Global Database

Moniliophthora perniciosa(CRNPPE)

Distribution details in Guyana

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2017: Present, restricted distribution
First recorded in: 1906
From CABI Disease map 037 (2002): Present, restricted distribution
IICA Caraphin Report, Jan-Jun 1994.
* Artero AS, Silva JQ, Albuquerque PSB, Bressan EA, Leal Jr GA, Sebbenn AM, Griffith GW, Figueira A (2017) Spatial genetic structure and dispersal of the cacao pathogen Moniliophthora perniciosa in the Brazilian Amazon. Plant Pathology 66, 912-923.

* FAO (1989) Plant pests of economic importance reported in the region covered by the Caribbean Plant Protection Commission. PROVEG-22, 24. FAO, Regional Office for latnin American and the Caribbean, Santiago, Chile.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Brazil Sao Paulo Present, no details view...
Brazil Rio de Janeiro Present, no details view...
Brazil Rondonia Present, widespread view...
Brazil Mato Grosso Present, widespread view...
Brazil Para Present, widespread view...
Brazil Espirito Santo Present, no details view...
Brazil Bahia Present, no details view...
Brazil Amazonas Present, no details view...
Brazil Acre Present, no details view...
Brazil Minas Gerais Present, no details view...
Brazil Present, restricted distribution view...
Brazil Goias Present, no details view...
Brazil Parana Present, no details view...
Brazil Rio Grande do Sul Present, no details view...
Suriname Present, restricted distribution view...
Venezuela Present, no details view...