EPPO Global Database

Diocalandra frumenti(DIOCFR)

Distribution details in Indonesia (Java)

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 1951: Present, no details
From CABI Pest map 249 (2009): Present, no details
* Kalshoven, L. G. E. (1951) The Pests of Cultivated Plants in Indonesia, Part II. W. van Hoeve, The Hague, Netherlands, 513-1065.
------- Bogor, West Java.

* Keuchenius, P. E. (1914) Meded. Besoekisch Proefst. (Djember), no. 13, 11-20.
------- Djember, East Java.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Malaysia Present, no details view...
Malaysia Sabah Present, no details view...
Malaysia Sarawak Present, no details view...
Malaysia West Present, no details view...
Papua New Guinea Present, no details view...