EPPO Global Database

Ditylenchus dipsaci(DITYDI)

Distribution details in Denmark

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2019: Present, few occurrences
Pest status declared by NPPO: Present: at low prevalence (2019-01)
From CABI Disease map 791 (2009): Present, few occurrences
* Aarhus University (ed.) Update of pest status in Denmark for specific harmful organisms in relation to export of seeds, part 2. (in Danish: Opdatering af skadegørerstatus i Danmark for specifikke skadegørere i relation til eksport af frø – del 2) Report prepared as a research-based policy support, 2018.

* Anon. (1979) Plant diseases and pests in Denmark, 1977 (94th Annual Report), 69 pp. Statens Plantepatologiske Forsoeg, Lyngby, Denmark.

* NPPO of Denmark (1993, 2019-01).

* Vestad, R. (1973) Forskning og Forsoek i Landbruket 24 (6), 601-614.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Germany Present, widespread view...