EPPO Global Database

Fusarium circinatum(GIBBCI)

Distribution details in United States of America (California)

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2008: Present, no details
First recorded in: 1986
From CABI Disease map 753 (2012): Present, no details
EPPO Reporting Service (1999/067) : introduced in 1986.

EPPO Reporting Service (2002/043) : an update of the situation.
* Drenkhan R, Ganley B, Martín-García J, Vahalík P, Adamson K, Adamčíková K, Ahumada R, Blank L, Bragança H, Capretti P, Cleary M (2020) Global geographic distribution and host range of Fusarium circinatum, the causal agent of pine pitch canker. Forests. 2020 11 (7), 724.

* Erbilgin, N.; Ritokova, G.; Gordon, T. R.; Wood, D. L.; Storer, A. J. (2008) Plant Pathology 57 (6), 1103-1108.

* Garbelotto M, Schweigkofler W, Shaw D (2007) Plant Health Progress February, 1-2.
------- San Diego.

* Gordon TR, Storer AJ, Wood DL (2001) The pitch canker epidemics in California. Plant Disease, 85(11), 1128-1139.

* Vogler D R, Gordon T R, Aegerter B J, Kirkpatrick S C, Lunak G A, Stover P, Violett P (2004) First report of the pitch canker fungus (Fusarium circinatum) in the Sierra Nevada of California. Plant Disease. 88 (7), 772.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Mexico Present, widespread view...