EPPO Global Database

Globodera rostochiensis(HETDRO)

Distribution details in Italy

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2024: Present, restricted distribution
First recorded in: 1961
Pest status declared by NPPO: Present, only in some parts of the Member State concerned, under eradication (2021-11)
From CABI Disease map 778 (1999): Present, widespread
Present in several regions (at least in Apulia, Campania, Emilia-Romagna, Piemonte-Val d'Aosta).

EPPO Reporting Service (2000/077) : in Piemonte-Val d'Aosta, only in mountains and in private gardens.

EPPO Reporting Service (2011/110) : detected in 2010 in Lazio, under official control.

NPPO (2021): during the annual official survey, cysts of Globodera rostochiensis were found in 4 fields intended for the cultivation of seed potatoes in the autonomous Province of Trento (municipality of Comano Terme). Official phytosanitary measures have been adopted in accordance with the Directive 2007/33/EC, including the cultivation ban for the next 6 years.

NPPO of Italy (2023): during official annual surveys outbreaks were found in 10 fields in the Autonomous Province of Trento, one field in the Apulia region, and 14 fields in the Valle d'Aosta region. Under eradication.

NPPO of Italy (2024): during official annual surveys outbreaks were found in 5 fields in Autonomous Province of Bolzano, 3 fields in Valle d’Aosta, one field in Veneto, one field in Calabria. Under eradication.
* Anonymous (1999) Bilancio Fitosanitario delle'anno 1999. Informatore Fitopatologico, no 1-2, 5-32 and no 3, 5-38.

* Accorti M, Ambrogioni L (1978) Nematodi Tylenchida parassiti e liberi segnalati in Italia. ISZA, Firenze.

* Bendezu IF, Russell MD, Evans K (1998) Nematologica 44 (6), 667-681.

* Buo G (1961) Un nuovo parassita della patata in Italia. Informatore Fitopatologico 11, 291-293.
------- First record.

* D'Errico FP, Ambrogioni L, Cavalli M (1995) Nematologia Mediterranea, 23 (Suppl.), 39-43.
------- Campania.

* Greco N, D'Addabbo T, Brandonisio A, Elia F (1994) Journal of Nematology 25 (4 Suppl.), 836-842.

* Inserra R, Bene G del, Bleve-Zacheo T, Tarantino L (1972) Informatore Fitopatologico 22 (15/16), 9-12.
------- Surveys in Apulia indicated that G. rostochiensis is present only along the Adriatic coast between Manfredonia and Monopoli. It was not detected from Lucania and Calabria.

* NPPO of Italy (2010-10, 2021-12, 2023-12, 2023-09, 2023-07, 2023-02, 2024-10, 2024-08, 2024-06, 2024-03, 2024-02).

* Riel HR van,Mulder A (1998) In: Potato cyst nematodes: biology, distribution and control [Ed. by Marks RJ, Brodie BB], 271-298. CAB International, Wallingford, UK.

* Tacconi R (1985) Redia 68, 1-15.
------- In Emilia-Romagna.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Austria Present, widespread view...
France Transient view...
Slovenia Present, restricted distribution view...
Switzerland Present, restricted distribution view...