Ips typographus(IPSXTY)
Distribution details in Japan (Hokkaido)
From CABI Pest map 359 (1976): Present, no details
* Furuta, K.; Takahashi, I.; Ando, S.; Inoue, M. (1985) Bulletin of the Tokyo University Forests No. 74, 39-65.
------- var. japonicus.
* Nobuchi A (1974) Studies on Scolytidae XII. The bark beetles of the tribe Ipini in Japan (Coleoptera). Bulletin of the Govervenment Forest Experimental Station (Meguro, Tokyo) no. 266, 33-60.
------- var. japonicus.
* Nobuchi A (1974) Studies on Scolytidae XII. The bark beetles of the tribe Ipini in Japan (Coleoptera). Bulletin of the Govervenment Forest Experimental Station (Meguro, Tokyo) no. 266, 33-60.