EPPO Global Database

Pomacea canaliculata(POMACA)

Distribution details in China (Fujian)

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2018: Present, no details
* Yang, QQ, Liu SW, He C, Yu XP (2018) Distribution and the origin of invasive apple snails, Pomacea canaliculata and P. maculata (Gastropoda: Ampullariidae) in China. Scientific Reports 8, 1185. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-19000-7

* Yu X, Li Z, Lu Z, Sun L, Chen J, Zhen X, Xu H (2003) Occurrence of Golden Apple Snail, Pomacea canaliculata (Lamarck), in Paddy Fields and its Management in China. Proceedings of the special Working Group on the golden apple snail (Pomacea spp.). (7th ICMAM, Los Baños, PH, 2003-01-25). http://applesnail.net/pestalert/conferences/icam07/
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
India Absent, unreliable record view...
Laos Present, no details view...
Myanmar Present, no details view...
Pakistan Absent, invalid record view...
Russia Present, restricted distribution view...
Russia Western Siberia Present, restricted distribution view...
Vietnam Present, no details view...