EPPO Global Database

Ralstonia solanacearum species complex(RALSSO)

Distribution details in Chile

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2020: Present, restricted distribution
First recorded in: 1983
From NPPO: Present, restricted distribution
From country itself (1992): in 1983, CIP (reference 1) and Ciampi-Panno (reference 2), identified Race 3 on potato. In 1989, Chilean agricultural services and CIP identified Biovar II on tomato. Present in Regiones V, VI, VII and Metropolitana; the authorized seed-potato production areas are free from the pest.

EPPO Reporting Service (1998/022): first found in the 1980s, now present in many areas where it attacks tomato.

EPPO Reporting Service (2000/006) : present in region Metropolitana, regions IV, V, VI and VII and Nuble in region VIII.
* Acuña R (2008) Compendio de fitopatógenos de cultivos agrícolas en Chile. Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, Santiago, Chile.
------- on potato and capsicum.

* Ciampi-Panno, L. (1984) Bacterial wilt of potato in Chile. Plant Disease 68, 822-823.
------- First record, Metropolitan Region.

* Ciampi, L.; Burzio, L. O.; Burzio, L. A. (1997) Fitopatologia 32 (1), 64-70.
------- First detected on potatoes in the Metropolitan Region in the early 1980s; also in tomato fields in Regions V and VII.

* Fernández C (1984) Determinacion de la marchitez bacteriana causada por pseudomonas solanacearum e. F. Smith en papa. Agricultura Técnica, Chile, 44 (2), 173-174.

* Fernandez MC (1986) Some hosts of Pseudomonas solanacearum in Chile. (Algunos hospedantes de Pseudomonas solanacearum en Chile.) Agricultura Tecnica, Chile 46, 101-105.

* NPPO of Chile (1992).

* ProMed posting (no. 20170120.4778242) of 2017-01-20. Brown rot, potato - Chile: (Araucania, Los Rios). https://www.promedmail.org/post/4778242
------- Potato brown rot found in the regions of La Araucania and Los Rios.

* Review of Plant Pathology, 77(1), p 40 (295).

* Vasconez IN, Besoain X, Vega-Celedón P, Valenzuela M, Seeger M (2020) First report of bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum phylotype IIB sequevar 1 affecting tomato in different regions of Chile. Plant Disease 104(7), 2023.
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