Lecanosticta acicola(SCIRAC)
Distribution details in Belarus
EPPO Reporting Service (2020/056) : first found during a survey (2016-2019) on pine trees in the botanical garden of Vitebsk.
* Golovchenko LA, Dishuk NG, Panteleev SV, Baranov YU (2020) [A new invasive species, Mycosphaerella dearnessii, in Belarus]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Biological series 65(1), 98-105 (abst.) (in Russian).
Country | State | Status | |
Latvia | Present, restricted distribution | ||
Lithuania | Present, restricted distribution | ||
Poland | Present, no details | ||
Russia | Southern Russia | Present, few occurrences | |
Russia | Central Russia | Present, restricted distribution | |
Russia | Far East | Absent, unreliable record | |
Russia | Present, few occurrences | ||
Ukraine | Present, no details |