EPPO Global Database

Lecanosticta acicola(SCIRAC)

Distribution details in China (Anhui)

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2016: Present, no details
* Janoušek J, Wingfield MJ, Marmolejo Monsivais JG, Jankovský L, Stauffer C, Konečný A, Barnes I (2016) Genetic analyses suggest separate introductions of the pine pathogen Lecanosticta acicola into Europe. Phytopathology 106(11), 1413-1425.
-------- Isolate from Fujie.

* Tubby KV et al. (2022) The increasing threat to European forests from the invasive foliar pine pathogen, Lecanosticta acicola. http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4292683 (pre-print) and associated map http://www.portalofforestpathology.com
------- Consider that this record is based on morphological characteristics and not confirmed by molecular methods.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Russia Central Russia Present, restricted distribution view...
Russia Far East Absent, unreliable record view...
Russia Present, few occurrences view...
Russia Southern Russia Present, few occurrences view...