Septoria citri(SEPTCI)
Distribution details in Italy
* Agosteo GE (2002) First report of Septoria spot on Bergamot. Plant disease 86(1), 71.
* Biasi A, De Patrizio A, Faedda R, Schena L, Pane A, Cacciola SO, di San Lio GM (2012) Septoria citri is a common pathogen of citrus in southern Italy. Journal of Plant Pathology 94(4). S4.58
* Garibaldi A, Bertetti D, Amatulli MT, Gullino ML (2011) First report of Septoria Spot of clementine caused by Septoria citri in Italy. Plant Disease 95(7), 873.
* Biasi A, De Patrizio A, Faedda R, Schena L, Pane A, Cacciola SO, di San Lio GM (2012) Septoria citri is a common pathogen of citrus in southern Italy. Journal of Plant Pathology 94(4). S4.58
* Garibaldi A, Bertetti D, Amatulli MT, Gullino ML (2011) First report of Septoria Spot of clementine caused by Septoria citri in Italy. Plant Disease 95(7), 873.