EPPO Global Database

Tobamovirus maculatessellati(TOMMV0)

Distribution details in Brazil (Minas Gerais)

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2017: Present, no details
* Marubayashi JM, Bello VH, Yuki VA, Ortiz MRA, Banja WH, Neto SD, Krause-Sakate R, Pavan MA (2017) Ocorrência do tomato mottle mosaic virus - ToMMV em tomateiros no municipio de Uberlândia - MG. Abstract of a paper presented at the XL Congresso Paulista de Fitopatologia (Campinas, BR, 2017-02-07/09). Summa Phytopathologica 43(suppl.), unpaginated.
------- On Solanum lycopersicum in the municipality of Uberlândia during the 2015/16 growing season.