EPPO Global Database

Ilarvirus TSV(TSV000)

Distribution details in Canada

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2016: Present, restricted distribution
From CABI Disease map 920 (2004): Present, restricted distribution
* Berkeley, G.H .; Phillips, J. H. H. (1943) Canadian Journal of Research, Section C 21, 181-190.

* Brunt, A. A.; Stace-Smith, R. (1976) Acta Horticulturae 71-76.

* Finn, C. E.; Martin, R. R. (1996) Plant Disease 80 (7), 769-772.

* Irizarry MD, Groves CL, Elmore MG, Bradley CA, Dasgupta R, German TL, Jardine DJ, Saalau Rojas E, Smith DL, Tenuta AU, Whitham SA, Mueller DS (2016) Re-emergence of Tobacco streak virus infecting soybean in the United States and Canada. Plant Health Progress doi:10.1094/PHP-BR-15-0052
------- Increasing incidence on soybean in Ontario.

* Wolyn, D. J.; Stobbs, L. W. (1991) Plant Disease 75 (4), 430.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
United States of America Colorado Present, no details view...
United States of America Idaho Present, no details view...
United States of America North Carolina Present, few occurrences view...
United States of America California Present, no details view...
United States of America Pennsylvania Present, no details view...
United States of America Kentucky Present, no details view...
United States of America Michigan Present, no details view...
United States of America Ohio Present, no details view...
United States of America Maryland Present, no details view...
United States of America Oklahoma Present, no details view...
United States of America Oregon Present, no details view...
United States of America Washington Present, no details view...
United States of America Minnesota Present, no details view...
United States of America Florida Present, no details view...
United States of America Iowa Present, no details view...
United States of America Illinois Present, no details view...
United States of America Kansas Present, no details view...
United States of America Massachusetts Present, no details view...
United States of America New Jersey Present, no details view...
United States of America Wisconsin Present, no details view...
United States of America Present, restricted distribution view...
United States of America Georgia Present, no details view...
United States of America New York Present, no details view...