EPPO Global Database

Begomovirus coheni(TYLCV0)

Distribution details in China (Neimenggu)

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2012: Present, no details
* Pan H, Chu D, Yan W, Su Q, Liu B, Wang S, Wu QJ, Xie W, Jiao X, Li R, Yang N, Yang X, Xu BY, Brown JK, Zhou XG, Zhang YJ (2012) Rapid spread of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus in China is aided differentially by two invasive whiteflies. PLoS ONE 7(4), e34817. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0034817
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
India Punjab Present, no details view...
India Assam Present, no details view...
India Madhya Pradesh Present, no details view...
India Present, no details view...
India Himachal Pradesh Present, no details view...
Laos Present, no details view...
Nepal Present, no details view...
Pakistan Present, no details view...