Orthotospovirus citrullomaculosi(WMSMOV)
Distribution details in Japan
From CABI Disease map 922 (2018): Present, no details
* Kameya-Iwaki, M.; Honda, M.; Hanada, K.; Tochihara, H. (1984) Plant Disease 68, 1006-1008.
* Okuda, M.; Taba, S.; Tsuda, S.; Hidaka, S.; Kameya-Iwaki, M.; Hanada, K. (2001) Archives of Virology 146 (2), 389-394.
* Shimada R, Okuda M, Uekusa H (2019) Characteristics of watermelon silver mottle virus (WSMoV) found in Kanagawa Prefecture and reproduction of symptoms on cucumber caused by WSMoV. Japanese Journal of Phytopathology 85(2), 108-111. (abst.)
------- Honshu.
* Okuda, M.; Taba, S.; Tsuda, S.; Hidaka, S.; Kameya-Iwaki, M.; Hanada, K. (2001) Archives of Virology 146 (2), 389-394.
* Shimada R, Okuda M, Uekusa H (2019) Characteristics of watermelon silver mottle virus (WSMoV) found in Kanagawa Prefecture and reproduction of symptoms on cucumber caused by WSMoV. Japanese Journal of Phytopathology 85(2), 108-111. (abst.)
------- Honshu.