EPPO Global Database

Xanthomonas citri pv. citri(XANTCI)

Distribution details in Singapore

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2007: Present, no details
From CABI Disease map 011 (2006): Present, no details
* Li W B, Song Q J, Brlansky R H, Hartung J S (2007) Genetic diversity of citrus bacterial canker pathogens preserved in herbarium specimens. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 104 (47), 18427-18432.

* Lim G (1988) Plant diseases in Singapore. Singapore Journal of Primary Industries. 16 (2, Supplement), 12-29.

* USDA (1982) Pests not known to occur in the United States or of limited distribution. No. 27. Citrus canker. USDA APHIS-PPQ, Beltsville, USA.

* Yik C P (1988) Singapore Journal of Primary Industries. 16 (2, Supplement) 30-37.
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Malaysia Sabah Present, no details view...
Malaysia West Present, widespread view...
Malaysia Present, widespread view...